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  • kdove86


Updated: May 17, 2022

Who would have thought that in the year 2020, in the most powerful country in the world, I'd be forced to wear a mask and take protective measures just to come to work and stock a shelf.

I am considered essential personnel at my job and I've been working since this whole thing started... and by "this whole thing", I mean the Coronavirus Outbreak. Which to me looks like a carbon copy of the movie "Contagion", from the origins of the deadly virus right up to the massive graves they dug in New York... or this mobile video game called "The Plague". You should check out the trailer for that game and the striking resemblance to what's happening today... then look at the date the trailer was created / posted... but hey, what do I know. I'm just a materials handler at an Marine Corps Exchange here in North Carolina, USA.

The more this whole bad movie of a scenario unfolds, the more I'm thinking that this isn't a coincidence. In the back of my mind, gradually moving to the front with increasing speed, I think the "Big Wigs" may be up to something... I don't think that something is in our best interest either. I could be wrong...but I doubt it.

I'm not saying the virus is not real and people aren't dying by any means but I feel all of this needs a closer look. Where are these numbers coming from? Why did this come about so abruptly at such a critical time, and with so much mystery? There's a massive amount of attention being put on this and the fear being created is insane, so much that we the people, are stuck like deer in headlights. At the mercy of the government. Waiting for the next set of instructions, in a nation built with principles promoting FREEDOM... A sick game of chess is all I can see it for. I'm just trying to be a King so I can move how I choose.

Don't remain a pawn. Knowledge is power. Elevate yourself.

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